Leena Korpi

Phone : +46 (0)586-728362
+46 070 4224226





The only female puppy from Missy / JB ♥  soon 5 weeks old 

Here you will find the latest news from my kennel, pictures of my owned and bred dogs, pictures of the latest litters and ads about coming ones. Here you also may find my stud dogs that stands for service if I believe in the merge of the lines and I approve of your female.

Owner of Kennel Zeldas Leena Korpi and her darling: Musse (Swedish champion Zeldas the Show Must Go On) brother of the famous Zeldas Foxtrot, son of Zeldas Working class Herou.                                              

My life has always been connected with animals, and not the least dogs! I bought my first one 1976, a lovely Irish wolf hound by the name: Cu Chulainn Ceres who became a good start in my interest in dog shows and breeding (he had some really big wins-which tends to make it fun). It all resulted in buying a female and subsequently start breeding dogs! Sadly I have decided to quit Irish Wolf hound although I long pretty much for some (that usually means I will have some sooner or later again) because of their short lifespan and inherited problematic health status.

Leonbergers was my next goal, and 1985 I bought Rovalecos Alarm Alice, I never used her as a breeding dog but got the opportunity to buy an even by to days standards extremely good female: Troldegaards Sara. She had a chest that doesn't exist in the overall breed globally and a temper that could be the icon of "Leonbergerishness", bone structure very good and unusually heavy for a female, and she had the look and the showman ship. Lucky me to have had the grace to live with a dog like her!

My good luck had no end in the start: I suddenly had the opportunity to take over a pair of litter mates: Zara von Ratibour und Corvey and her brother Zarewitch von Ratibour und Corvey. Those two has shown themselves as being the base for the zeldalook of my leonbergers and my hope is to preserve and cherish those traits I found with the help of those dogs. I am a line breeder, as you may understand by now, and that means careful mixing and re mixing the genes never totally leaving the best lines I have, and thus maintaining the good contributions to the Leonbergerbreed as a whole which my dogs have accomplished.

Do you think I am boasting? *lol* Take a look at the pictures and you will see what I mean!



Get in contact with Kennel Zeldas by email: zeldas@telia.com
Phone or fax at: +46 (0)586-728362
Usual mail: Leena Korpi  Österhult 9896 Utterbäck Se- 69194   Karlskoga Sweden

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